Honiton Evangelical Congregational Church
Toddler Group

Toddlers Summer Term 2024
Toddlers has concluded for the year.
They meet on Wednesdays from 10am to 11.30am during Honiton schools' term time. Please contact Tricia on triciapencoed@yahoo.com or 07890763517 to reserve a place if you are not on the current register. There is currently a waiting list for September 2024, so unfortunately we are not able to accommodate anyone not our register.
To attend there will be a small cost of £1 for an adult and one child. (Additional children 50p each.) This covers the cost of refreshments and gifts at Easter and Christmas and craft activities.
Our programme
10am Commence free play and craft activity
10.45 Snack time
11.15 Circle time with story and songs